We don’t gaze at the skies with the same reverence nowadays
We don’t gaze at the skies with the same reverence nowadays. And that’s a shame. By distancing from the skies, we get more distant from our origins and consequently, from ourselves. We forget that we all, quite literally, came from the stars. We forget that all the chemical elements that make up our bodies, our planet and everything around us originated in the stars that disappeared billions of years ago, spreading their essence — the matter that exists in the solar system, from carbon to uranium — as if to seed a garden (Marcelo Gleiser — Brazilian physicist and astronomer).
Wise people are always open to new ideas and beliefs, even concerning themselves. The knowledge of ourselves is a result of personal growth. Those who think they own the truth must first discover the truth about themselves. When we think we’re already there, we stop advancing. Those who don’t learn with the past are stuck in it. Even those who get what they want must first ask for what they need. Courage is not the absence of fear but holding your belief despite it. Change is not always welcome. Quick changes are frequently temporary, but slow and steady growth has the power to transform deeply.
Ayurveda is the most ancient science in the world, predating even the Chinese. It teaches us that intelligence is self-referenced information and energy. In other words, it’s the ability to learn through experience and reinterpreting the world according to our choices. When we make different options through our intelligence, we change the energy and the information that enter our mind and bodies and transform in who we are.
The whole universe is pure energy and information, even though it’s organized in different ways — be it as flowers, wood, or as the human body. Conscience is equally made of information and energy. And much more than that. We can refer to that little extra as intelligence.
The human body is a flowing river of intelligence and as such it’s always changing, even if it looks the same. Something as subtle as our desires can alter something so factual as our bodies.
The universe doesn’t exist by itself, but only when there’s an observer. It’s consciousness that allows this experience.
“We are such stuff as dreams are made on” Shakespeare
We are literally made from the same matter as dreams, desires, and wishes.
All of that is cosmic energy simply varying in degrees of vibration. This is a truly wonderful thing, for when coupled with our consciousness (that which defines us as humans) it means that we are capable of changing out biography by what we feel and think while on this planet. We’re the only beings with such a power.
How is that possible, you ask? Our cells are constantly eavesdropping on our thoughts and being modified by them.
The brain doesn’t distinguish between what’s outside of our bodies — the so-called reality — and what goes on inside of us. Which means that recalling a stressful situation causes as much damage to our bodies as living through it, releasing the same flow of negative hormones in our bloodstream. The opposite is also true: remembering a wonderful experience makes us relieve it, bathing our being in positive hormones.
For all of that to happen, we need to learn using our consciousness to create the body we desire. The anxiety we feel for an upcoming test, the depression for some frustration, or another are feelings that will go away. However, their contributions to our aging process are permanent. So, the only way of fighting this process is through a daily commitment to well-being and long-lasting transformation.
Reversing aging in ten practical steps is what Deepak Chopra and David Simon propose in one of their books, which is based on the development of a consciousness that forms healthy habits. The authors believe that the ancient Indian knowledge of Ayurveda coupled with recent scientific studies can bring about this new form of awareness, capable of eliminating almost fifteen years from our biological clocks when compared to our chronological age.
“Each impulse of experience is transformed into the chemistry and electricity of the body; each thought, sensation, and feeling provoke reactions in the nervous system, creating chemical messengers that regulate our body.”
The way we think and act, therefore, is decisive in the process of again, which can be one of more joy, motivation, peace, and love.
“Grow Younger, Live Longer” is an extension of the method described in “Ageless Body, Timeless Mind”, published in 1993. In that work, Deepak Chopra presented the fundamental principle that got thousands of patients of the Chopra Center for Well Being to experience profound changes in their quality of life: the human body is not a biological machine that deteriorates with time. Instead, human beings are organized networks of energy, information, and intelligence, capable of transforming and renewing themselves.
The ten practical steps presented in each chapter are composed of three daily actions and also come with the tools needed for the reader to reach a balance between mind and body. They are:
It’s possible to revert our biological age (Dr. Wayne W Dyer)
1. By changing perceptions
2. By two types of profound rest — peaceful consciousness and peaceful sleep
3. By lovingly nourishing the organism trough healthy eating
4. By using nutritional supplements wisely
5. By highlighting the integration between body and mind
6. Through exercises
7. By eliminating toxins from your live
8. By cultivating flexibility and creativity in your consciousness
9. Through love
10. By keeping a young soul
With happiness and stress control comes longevity and rejuvenation.
Longevity allows us to reach the goal of a healthy life, enlightenment, the return to our essence, the state of pure consciousness, absolute truth, and bliss. For that one needs discipline and meditation practices. The internal discipline removes the mind from the state of exteriorization it lives in, conditioned, and brings it back inside, exercising the many steps of consciousness until it reaches the essence of the person — pure consciousness.
The truth is that immutable consciousness inside of us. One of the great obstacles to reach the mastery of longevity, the fulfillment of life, is sickness, internal imbalance. This disharmony inside of us causes pain and illness, and an ill person is someone hardly able to keep their minds peaceful and suppressing its modifications. To achieve a peaceful mind one needs to be in good health, otherwise, peace becomes difficult to achieve.
That’s because the calls of physical nature call you down to your body and root you in it. The mind is split — when the body is in some kind of pain, it brings the consciousness down so that you can solve that.
What is it you seek in health?
Health is not a goal in itself, is not something you aim your life towards, but a path. Why are you healthy for?
To reach the fundamental goals of your existence. And the main objective of your existence is to look for this eternal truth in the search of your essential goals. You are unique, down to the way you manifest your biological humor. The division of our mental and physical structure, their constitutions, and the qualities they express are unique, like fingerprints.
One of the basic principals of Ayurveda is that like increases like. Since the aim of this rejuvenation system is balance, we don’t want to double down on that which is prevailing because that sum subtracts health. What we do want to do is bring to our constitution that which we lack.
Balanced sleep, harmony in our eating habits, and adequate sexual activity are the pillars of good health.